Module jakarta.mail
Package jakarta.mail

Interface Part

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BodyPart, Message, MimeBodyPart, MimeMessage, PreencodedMimeBodyPart

public interface Part
The Part interface is the common base interface for Messages and BodyParts.

Part consists of a set of attributes and a "Content".


The Jakarta Mail API defines a set of standard Part attributes that are considered to be common to most existing Mail systems. These attributes have their own settor and gettor methods. Mail systems may support other Part attributes as well, these are represented as name-value pairs where both the name and value are Strings.


The data type of the "content" is returned by the getContentType() method. The MIME typing system is used to name data types.

The "content" of a Part is available in various formats:

  • As a DataHandler - using the getDataHandler() method. The "content" of a Part is also available through a jakarta.activation.DataHandler object. The DataHandler object allows clients to discover the operations available on the content, and to instantiate the appropriate component to perform those operations.
  • As an input stream - using the getInputStream() method. Any mail-specific encodings are decoded before this stream is returned.
  • As a Java object - using the getContent() method. This method returns the "content" as a Java object. The returned object is of course dependent on the content itself. In particular, a "multipart" Part's content is always a Multipart or subclass thereof. That is, getContent() on a "multipart" type Part will always return a Multipart (or subclass) object.
Part provides the writeTo() method that streams out its bytestream in mail-safe form suitable for transmission. This bytestream is typically an aggregation of the Part attributes and its content's bytestream.

Message and BodyPart implement the Part interface. Note that in MIME parlance, Part models an Entity (RFC 2045, Section 2.4).