Module jakarta.mail
Package jakarta.mail

Class Message

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Message extends Object implements Part
This class models an email message. This is an abstract class. Subclasses provide actual implementations.

Message implements the Part interface. Message contains a set of attributes and a "content". Messages within a folder also have a set of flags that describe its state within the folder.

Message defines some new attributes in addition to those defined in the Part interface. These attributes specify meta-data for the message - i.e., addressing and descriptive information about the message.

Message objects are obtained either from a Folder or by constructing a new Message object of the appropriate subclass. Messages that have been received are normally retrieved from a folder named "INBOX".

A Message object obtained from a folder is just a lightweight reference to the actual message. The Message is 'lazily' filled up (on demand) when each item is requested from the message. Note that certain folder implementations may return Message objects that are pre-filled with certain user-specified items. To send a message, an appropriate subclass of Message (e.g., MimeMessage) is instantiated, the attributes and content are filled in, and the message is sent using the Transport.send method.

See Also: