Module jakarta.mail

Interface MimePart

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MimeBodyPart, MimeMessage, PreencodedMimeBodyPart

public interface MimePart extends Part
The MimePart interface models an Entity as defined by MIME (RFC2045, Section 2.4).

MimePart extends the Part interface to add additional RFC822 and MIME specific semantics and attributes. It provides the base interface for the MimeMessage and MimeBodyPart classes

A note on RFC822 and MIME headers

RFC822 and MIME header fields must contain only US-ASCII characters. If a header contains non US-ASCII characters, it must be encoded as per the rules in RFC 2047. The MimeUtility class provided in this package can be used to to achieve this. Callers of the setHeader, addHeader, and addHeaderLine methods are responsible for enforcing the MIME requirements for the specified headers. In addition, these header fields must be folded (wrapped) before being sent if they exceed the line length limitation for the transport (1000 bytes for SMTP). Received headers may have been folded. The application is responsible for folding and unfolding headers as appropriate.

See Also: