Class LifecycleFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public abstract class LifecycleFactory extends Object implements FacesWrapper<LifecycleFactory>

LifecycleFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returns Lifecycle instances. Implementations of Jakarta Faces must provide at least a default implementation of Lifecycle. Advanced implementations (or external third party libraries) MAY provide additional Lifecycle implementations (keyed by lifecycle identifiers) for performing different types of request processing on a per-request basis.

There must be one LifecycleFactory instance per web application that is utilizing Jakarta Faces. This instance can be acquired, in a portable manner, by calling:

 LifecycleFactory factory = (LifecycleFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.LIFECYCLE_FACTORY);

Usage: extend this class and push the implementation being wrapped to the constructor and use getWrapped() to access the instance being wrapped.