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handle() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.AjaxExceptionHandlerImpl
handle() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.ExceptionHandlerImpl
handle() - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
Take action to handle the Exception instances residing inside the ExceptionQueuedEvent instances that have been queued by calls to Application().publishEvent(ExceptionQueuedEvent.class, eventContext).
handle() - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ExceptionHandlerWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ExceptionHandler.handle() on the wrapped ExceptionHandler object.
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class
Handles a given request and generates an appropriate response.
Handle - Interface in jakarta.ejb
The Handle interface is implemented by all enterprise bean object handles.
handleAdd(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.DynamicAddRemoveListener
Handle the add.
handleAdd(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.NoopAddRemoveListener
handleAdd(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.StatelessAddRemoveListener
handleAfterPhase(FacesContext, ListIterator<PhaseListener>, PhaseEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase
Handle afterPhase PhaseListener events.
handleBeforePhase(FacesContext, ListIterator<PhaseListener>, PhaseEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase
Handle beforePhase PhaseListener events.
handleCompression(ClientResourceInfo) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHelper
Utility method to peform the necessary actions to compress content.
HandleDelegate - Interface in jakarta.ejb.spi
The HandleDelegate interface is implemented by the enterprise bean container.
handleEvent(ValidationEvent) - Method in class jakarta.xml.bind.helpers.DefaultValidationEventHandler
handleEvent(ValidationEvent) - Method in class jakarta.xml.bind.util.ValidationEventCollector
handleEvent(ValidationEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.xml.bind.ValidationEventHandler
Receive notification of a validation warning or error.
handleFaceletNotFound(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy
Handles the case where a Facelet cannot be found.
handleFault(C) - Method in interface
The handleFault method is invoked for fault message processing.
handleMessage(C) - Method in interface
The handleMessage method is invoked for normal processing of inbound and outbound messages.
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.NavigationHandlerImpl
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ConfigurableNavigationHandlerWrapper
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationHandler
Perform navigation processing based on the state information in the specified FacesContext, plus the outcome string returned by an executed application action.
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationHandlerWrapper
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.NavigationHandlerImpl
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationHandler
Overloaded variant of NavigationHandler.handleNavigation(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) that allows the caller to provide the defining document id for a flow to be entered by this navigation.
handleNavigation(FacesContext, String, String, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationHandlerWrapper
handlePageException(Exception) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.PageContext
This method is intended to process an unhandled 'page' level exception by forwarding the exception to the specified error page for this JSP.
handlePageException(Throwable) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.PageContext
This method is intended to process an unhandled 'page' level exception by forwarding the exception to the specified error page for this JSP.
handler - Variable in class
The handler to set for this context.
Handler<C> - Interface in
The Handler interface is the base interface for Jakarta XML Web Services handlers.
HANDLER - Enum constant in enum class
Handler visibility.
HandlerChain - Annotation Interface in jakarta.jws
Associates the Web Service with an externally defined handler chain.
handleRemove(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.DynamicAddRemoveListener
Handle the remove.
handleRemove(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.NoopAddRemoveListener
handleRemove(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.StatelessAddRemoveListener
handleRenderException(FacesContext, Exception) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy
Handles the case where rendering throws an Exception.
handleResourceRequest(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl
handleResourceRequest(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ResourceHandler
This method specifies the contract for satisfying resource requests.
handleResourceRequest(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResourceHandler.handleResourceRequest(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext) on the wrapped ResourceHandler object.
handleResponse(Response<T>) - Method in interface
Called when the response to an asynchronous operation is available.
handleRestoreState(Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ServerSideStateHelper
handlerIsResourceRelated(ComponentHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.ComponentSupport
HandlerResolver - Interface in
HandlerResolver is an interface implemented by an application to get control over the handler chain set on proxy/dispatch objects at the time of their creation.
handlers - Variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.CompositionHandler
handles() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance
Allows iterating over contextual reference handles for all beans that have the required type and required qualifiers and are eligible for injection.
handleSaveState(Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ServerSideStateHelper
handlesStream() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance
Returns stream of Instance.Handle objects.
HandlesTypes - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
This annotation is used to declare the class types that a ServletContainerInitializer can handle.
handlesViewId(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy
handlesViewId(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewHandlingStrategy
handleTimeout(AsyncResponse) - Method in interface
Invoked when the suspended asynchronous response is about to time out.
HandshakeRequest - Interface in jakarta.websocket.server
The handshake request represents the WebSocket defined HTTP GET request for the opening handshake of a WebSocket session.
HandshakeResponse - Interface in jakarta.websocket
The handshake response represents the WebSocket-defined HTTP response that is the response to the opening handshake request.
hasAccessToWebResource(String, String...) - Method in interface
Checks whether the caller has access to the provided "web resource" using the given methods, as specified by section 13.8 of the Servlet specification.
hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationTarget
Returns whether an annotation of given type is present on this annotation target.
hasAnnotation(Predicate<AnnotationInfo>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationTarget
Returns whether given predicate matches any annotation present on this annotation target.
hasAnnotations - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationInstanceFactoryMetadataMap.METADATA
hasAnnotations(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationInstanceFactoryMetadataMap
hasAttributeNode(Attribute<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Determine if there is an existing attribute node for the given attribute.
hasAttributeNode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Determine if there is an existing attribute node for the attribute with the given name.
hasBeenInitialized(ServletContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager
hasCondition() - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.MutableNavigationCase
hasCondition() - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationCase
Test if this navigation case has an associated <if> element.
hasCondition() - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationCaseWrapper
hasConstrainedParameters() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.metadata.ExecutableDescriptor
Returns true if the executable parameters are constrained either: because of a constraint on at least one of the parameters because of a cascade on at least one of the parameters (via Valid) because of at least one cross-parameter constraint
hasConstrainedReturnValue() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.metadata.ExecutableDescriptor
Returns true if the executable return value is constrained either: because of a constraint on the return value because validation is cascaded on the return value (via Valid)
hasConstraints() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.metadata.ElementDescriptor.ConstraintFinder
Returns true if at least one constraint declaration matching the restrictions is present on the element, false otherwise.
hasConstraints() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.metadata.ElementDescriptor
hasConstraints() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.metadata.ExecutableDescriptor
Returns false.
hasContent() - Method in record class
hasContent() - Method in record class
hasContent() - Method in interface
Returns whether the Page has content at all.
hasDetail() - Method in interface jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPFault
Returns true if this SOAPFault has a Detail subelement and false otherwise.
hasDynamicAttributes() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo
Get dynamicAttributes associated with this TagInfo.
hasEntity() - Method in interface
Check if there is an entity available in the request.
hasEntity() - Method in interface
Check if there is a non-empty entity input stream is available in the response message.
hasEntity() - Method in interface
Check if there is a non-empty entity input stream available in the request message.
hasEntity() - Method in interface
Check if there is an entity available in the response.
hasEntity() - Method in class
Check if there is an entity available in the response.
hasEvents() - Method in class jakarta.xml.bind.util.ValidationEventCollector
Returns true if this event collector contains at least one ValidationEvent.
hasFault() - Method in interface jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPBody
Indicates whether a SOAPFault object exists in this SOAPBody object.
hasFooterFacets - Variable in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.BaseTableRenderer.TableMetaInfo
hashAlgorithm() - Element in annotation interface
A PasswordHash implementation used to verify plaintext passwords by generating a hash of the password and comparing it against the hashed value returned from the database via the DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition.callerQuery().
hashAlgorithmParameters() - Element in annotation interface
Used to specify algorithm-specific parameters.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ClasspathResourceHelper
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ContractInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.FaceletWebappResourceHelper
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.LibraryInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.VersionInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.WebappResourceHelper
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ParameterizedTypeImpl
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.ApplicationMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.InitParameterMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestCookieMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestHeaderMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestHeaderValuesMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestParameterMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestParameterValuesMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.SessionMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.ContextualCompositeMethodExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.ContextualCompositeValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagMethodExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.AbstractTagLibrary
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.RetargetedAjaxBehavior
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.IndexedValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.IteratedValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.IterationStatusExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.MappedValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.MutableNavigationCase
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.FlowCallNodeImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.FlowImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.SwitchNodeImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.ComponentStruct
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.MostlySingletonSet
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
Returns hash code for this ActivationDataFlavor.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
Computes a hash code for this instance.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in interface
Returns a hash code based on the key values.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.el.Expression
Returns the hash code for this Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.el.MethodInfo
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.el.MethodReference
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.util.TypeLiteral
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.FacesMessage
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationCase
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.NavigationCaseWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.event.WebsocketEvent
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.validator.DoubleRangeValidator
Overrides the default hash code method to take the minimum and maximum into account when generating the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.validator.LengthValidator
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator
hashCode() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonNumber
Returns the hash code value for this JsonNumber object.
hashCode() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonString
Returns the hash code value for this JsonString object.
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.Cookie
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.IndexedValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.IteratedValueExpression
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
Generate hash code from cache control properties.
hashCode() - Method in class
Generate a hash code by hashing all of the cookies properties.
hashCode() - Method in class
Generate hashCode based on value and weakness.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
Generate a hash code from the type, subtype and parameters.
hashCode() - Method in class
Generate a hash code by hashing all of the properties.
hashCode() - Method in class
Generate hash code from variant properties.
hashCode(Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestHeaderValuesMap
hashCode(Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.RequestParameterValuesMap
hasHeaderFacets - Variable in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.BaseTableRenderer.TableMetaInfo
hasLink(String) - Method in interface
Check if link for relation exists.
hasLink(String) - Method in interface
Check if link for relation exists.
hasLink(String) - Method in class
Check if link for relation exists.
hasMember(String) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationInfo
Returns whether this annotation has a member with given name.
hasMetadata(UIViewRoot) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.view.ViewMetadata
Utility method to determine if the the provided UIViewRoot has metadata.
hasMoreResults() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Return true if the next result corresponds to a result set, and false if it is an update count or if there are no results other than through INOUT and OUT parameters, if any.
hasNext() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourcePathsIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.SelectItemsIterator
Return true if the iteration has more elements.
hasNext() - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.CollectionsUtils.UnmodifiableIterator
hasNext() - Method in record class
hasNext() - Method in record class
hasNext() - Method in interface
Returns true if it is known that there are more results or that it is necessary to request a next page to determine whether there are more results, so that Page.nextPageRequest() will definitely not return null.
hasNext() - Method in interface
Returns true if there are more parsing states.
hasNext() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Returns information concerning the availability of more items over which to iterate.
hasOneOrMoreDynamicChild(UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext
hasOriginalRequestAndResponse() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncContext
Checks if this AsyncContext was initialized with the original or application-wrapped request and response objects.
hasPrevious() - Method in interface
Returns true when it is possible to navigate to a previous page of results or if it is necessary to request a previous page in order to determine whether there are more previous results.
hasPrevious() - Method in record class
hasPrevious() - Method in record class
hasPrevious() - Method in interface
Returns true if it is known that there are previous results or that it is necessary to request the previous page to determine whether there are previous results, so that Page.previousPageRequest() will not return null.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the property with the given name is registered in the current request/response exchange context, or false if there is no property by that name.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the property with the given name is registered in the current request/response exchange context, or false if there is no property by that name.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface
Check whether the property with a given name is configured.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the property with the given name is registered in the current request/response exchange context, or false if there is no property by that name.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface
Returns whether the property with the given name is configured, either explicitly or by default.
hasRequestBeenServiced() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate
hasRetryAfter() - Method in exception class
Check if the underlying response contains the information on when is it possible to HttpHeaders.RETRY_AFTER retry the request.
hasSingleIdAttribute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Whether the identifiable type has a single id attribute.
hasStateExpired(long) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper
If the WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter.ClientStateTimeout init parameter is set, calculate the elapsed time between the time the client state was written and the time this method was invoked during restore.
hasTotals() - Method in record class
hasTotals() - Method in record class
hasTotals() - Method in interface
Returns true if the Page.pageRequest() specified that the total number of elements should be retrieved from the database, and that it is therefore safe to call Page.totalElements() or Page.totalPages().
hasValue() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationInfo
Returns whether this annotation has the value member.
hasVersionAttribute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Whether the identifiable type has a version attribute.
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify a restriction over the groups of the query.
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify a restriction over the groups of the query.
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify a restriction over the groups of the subquery.
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the subquery according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
head() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request asynchronously.
head() - Method in interface
head() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request.
head() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request synchronously.
head(InvocationCallback<Response>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request asynchronously.
HEAD - Annotation Interface in
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP HEAD requests.
HEAD - Static variable in annotation interface
HTTP HEAD method.
header() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.jws.WebParam
If true, the parameter is pulled from a message header rather then the message body.
header() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.jws.WebResult
If true, the result is pulled from a message header rather then the message body.
header(String, Object) - Method in interface
Add an arbitrary header.
header(String, Object) - Method in class
Add an arbitrary header.
header(String, String...) - Method in interface
Adds a new header or replaces a previously added header and sets the header value(s).
HEADER - Static variable in interface com.sun.faces.el.ELConstants
HEADER_DECORATOR - Static variable in class
Header decorator filter/interceptor priority.
HEADER_VALUES - Static variable in interface com.sun.faces.el.ELConstants
headerClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlColumn.PropertyKeys
headerClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
headerClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
HeaderMap - Annotation Interface in jakarta.faces.annotation
The presence of this annotation (along with @Inject) on a field of type Map<String, String> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getRequestHeaderMap() to be injected as the value of that field.
HeaderMap.Literal - Class in jakarta.faces.annotation
Supports inline instantiation of the HeaderMap qualifier.
HeaderMapProducer - Class in com.sun.faces.cdi
The Header map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the header map using @Inject.
HeaderMapProducer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.cdi.HeaderMapProducer
HeaderParam - Annotation Interface in
Binds the value(s) of a HTTP header to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property.
headers() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPMessageHandler
List of SOAP headers processed by the handler.
headers(MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Replaces all existing headers with the newly supplied headers.
headers(MultivaluedMap<String, String>) - Method in interface
Adds new headers or replaces previously added headers.
HeaderValuesMap - Annotation Interface in jakarta.faces.annotation
The presence of this annotation (along with @Inject) on a field of type Map<String, String[]> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getRequestHeaderValuesMap() to be injected as the value of that field.
HeaderValuesMap.Literal - Class in jakarta.faces.annotation
Supports inline instantiation of the HeaderValuesMap qualifier.
HeaderValuesMapProducer - Class in com.sun.faces.cdi
The Header values map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the header values map using @Inject.
HeaderValuesMapProducer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.cdi.HeaderValuesMapProducer
HeadRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
HeadRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HeadRenderer
height - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
HeuristicCommitException - Exception Class in jakarta.transaction
This exception is thrown by the rollback operation on a resource to report that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been committed.
HeuristicCommitException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.transaction.HeuristicCommitException
HeuristicCommitException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.transaction.HeuristicCommitException
HeuristicMixedException - Exception Class in jakarta.transaction
This exception is thrown to report that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed and others have been rolled back.
HeuristicMixedException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.transaction.HeuristicMixedException
HeuristicMixedException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.transaction.HeuristicMixedException
HeuristicRollbackException - Exception Class in jakarta.transaction
This exception is thrown by the commit operation to report that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been rolled back.
HeuristicRollbackException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException
HeuristicRollbackException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException
HexBinaryAdapter - Class in jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters
XmlAdapter for xs:hexBinary.
HexBinaryAdapter() - Constructor for class jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter
HiddenRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
HiddenRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UIInput component as a HTML hidden variable.
HiddenRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HiddenRenderer
HIERARCHY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.validation.metadata.Scope
Look for constraints declared on all elements of the class hierarchy with the same name.
HighAvailabilityEnabler - Interface in com.sun.faces.spi
This interface is for Faces to check if the app server has HA enabled.
hints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
Query properties and hints.
hints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQuery
(Optional) Query properties and hints.
hints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
Query properties and hints.
Holder<T> - Class in
Holds a value of type T.
Holder() - Constructor for class
Creates a new holder with a null value.
Holder(T) - Constructor for class
Create a new holder with the specified value.
HomeHandle - Interface in jakarta.ejb
The HomeHandle interface is implemented by all home object handles.
host() - Method in interface
Convenience method to get the host to be used.
host(String) - Method in class
Set the URI host.
host(String) - Method in interface
Convenience method to set the host to be used.
HOST - Static variable in interface
HOST - Static variable in interface
Configuration key for the hostname or IP address an application is bound to.
hostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class
Set the hostname verifier to be used by the client to verify the endpoint's hostname against it's identification information.
hour() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.Schedule
Specifies one or more hours within a day.
hour(int) - Method in class jakarta.ejb.ScheduleExpression
Set the hour attribute.
hour(String) - Method in class jakarta.ejb.ScheduleExpression
Set the hour attribute.
HOUR - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The hour of the day in 24-hour time, numbered from 0 to 23.
HOUR - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalTimeField
The hour of the day in 24-hour time, numbered from 0 to 23.
hours() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Hours of the day at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
hours(int...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the hours cron field, overwriting any previous value for hours.
hours(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the hours cron field, overwriting any previous value for hours.
hreflang - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
hreflang - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
hreflang - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
html(T) - Static method in class
Create a "text/html" entity.
HTML_BASIC_RENDER_KIT - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
HTML_BASIC_RENDER_KIT - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.render.RenderKitFactory
The render kit identifier of the default RenderKit instance for this Jakarta Faces implementation.
HTML_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
ResponseWriter Content Types and Encoding
HtmlBasicInputRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
HtmlBasicInputRenderer is a base class for implementing renderers that support UIInput type components
HtmlBasicInputRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicInputRenderer
HtmlBasicRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
HtmlBasicRenderer is a base class for implementing renderers for HtmlBasicRenderKit.
HtmlBasicRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer
HtmlBasicRenderer.OptionComponentInfo - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
Structure to hold common info used by Select* components to reduce the number of times component attributes are evaluated when rendering options.
HtmlBasicRenderer.Param - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
Simple class to encapsulate the name and value of a UIParameter.
HtmlBody - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
HtmlBody() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody
Default constructor setting the renderer type.
HtmlBody.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlColumn - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a column that will be rendered in an HTML table element.
HtmlColumn() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlColumn
HtmlColumn.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlCommandButton - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element for a button of type submit or reset.
HtmlCommandButton() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton
HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlCommandLink - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML a element for a hyperlink that acts like a submit button.
HtmlCommandLink() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink
HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlCommandScript - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML script element for a function that acts like an ajax form submit.
HtmlCommandScript() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandScript
HtmlCommandScript.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlComponentHandler - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html
HtmlComponentHandler(ComponentConfig) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html.HtmlComponentHandler
HtmlDataTable - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a set of repeating data (segregated into columns by child UIColumn components) that will be rendered in an HTML table element.
HtmlDataTable() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable
HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlDecorator - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html
HtmlDecorator() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html.HtmlDecorator
HtmlDoctype - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
HtmlDoctype() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDoctype
HtmlDoctype.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlForm - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML form element.
HtmlForm() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
HtmlForm.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlGraphicImage - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML img element, used to retrieve and render a graphical image.
HtmlGraphicImage() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage
HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlHead - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
HtmlHead() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlHead
HtmlHead.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlInputFile - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element of type file.
HtmlInputFile() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile
HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlInputHidden - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element of type hidden.
HtmlInputHidden() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputHidden
HtmlInputHidden.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlInputSecret - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element of type password.
HtmlInputSecret() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret
HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlInputText - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element of type text.
HtmlInputText() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText
HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlInputTextarea - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML textarea element.
HtmlInputTextarea() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea
HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlLibrary - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html
HtmlLibrary(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html.HtmlLibrary
HtmlMessage - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
By default, the rendererType property must be set to "jakarta.faces.Message".
HtmlMessage() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessage
HtmlMessage.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlMessages - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
By default, the rendererType property must be set to "jakarta.faces.Messages".
HtmlMessages() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages
HtmlMessages.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlOutcomeTargetButton - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element of type "button" or image that may be used to link to a URL handled by the Faces Servlet resolved preemptively using the logical outcome defined by the outcome property.
HtmlOutcomeTargetButton() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton
HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlOutcomeTargetLink - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML a (hyperlink) element that may be used to link to a URL handled by the Faces Servlet resolved preemptively using the logical outcome defined by the outcome property.
HtmlOutcomeTargetLink() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink
HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlOutputFormat - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a component that looks up a localized message in a resource bundle, optionally uses it as a MessageFormat pattern string and substitutes in parameter values from nested UIParameter components, and renders the result.
HtmlOutputFormat() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputFormat
HtmlOutputFormat.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlOutputLabel - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML label element, used to define an accessible label for a corresponding input element.
HtmlOutputLabel() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel
HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlOutputLink - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML a (hyperlink) element that may be used to link to an arbitrary URL defined by the value property.
HtmlOutputLink() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink
HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlOutputText - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Renders the component value as text, optionally wrapping in a span element if I18N attributes, CSS styles or style classes are specified.
HtmlOutputText() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText
HtmlOutputText.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlPanelGrid - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Renders child components in a table, starting a new row after the specified number of columns.
HtmlPanelGrid() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid
HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlPanelGroup - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Causes all child components of this component to be rendered.
HtmlPanelGroup() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup
HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlResponseWriter - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
HtmlResponseWriter is an Html specific implementation of the ResponseWriter abstract class.
HtmlResponseWriter(Writer, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Constructor sets the ResponseWriter and encoding, and enables script hiding by default.
HtmlResponseWriter(Writer, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, WebConfiguration.DisableUnicodeEscaping, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Constructor sets the ResponseWriter and encoding.
HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML input element of type checkbox.
HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox
HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlSelectManyCheckbox - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered as a set of HTML input elements of type checkbox.
HtmlSelectManyCheckbox() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox
HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlSelectManyListbox - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered as an HTML select element, showing either all available options or the specified number of options.
HtmlSelectManyListbox() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox
HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlSelectManyMenu - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered as an HTML select element, showing a single available option at a time.
HtmlSelectManyMenu() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu
HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlSelectOneListbox - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a single-selection component that is rendered as an HTML select element, showing either all available options or the specified number of options.
HtmlSelectOneListbox() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox
HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlSelectOneMenu - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a single-selection component that is rendered as an HTML select element, showing a single available option at a time.
HtmlSelectOneMenu() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu
HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Properties used by this component
HtmlSelectOneRadio - Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
Represents a single-selection component that is rendered as a set of HTML input elements of type radio.
HtmlSelectOneRadio() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio
HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys - Enum Class in jakarta.faces.component.html
The property keys.
HtmlUtils - Class in com.sun.faces.util
Utility class for HTML.
HTTP_BINDING - Static variable in interface
A constant representing the identity of the XML/HTTP binding.
HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in interface
Standard property: HTTP request headers.
HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in interface
Standard property: HTTP request method.
HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE - Static variable in interface
Standard property: HTTP response status code.
HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS - Static variable in interface
Standard property: HTTP response headers.
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class
505 HTTP Version Not Supported, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
HttpAuthenticationMechanism - Interface in
HttpAuthenticationMechanism is a mechanism for obtaining a caller's credentials in some way, using the HTTP protocol where necessary.
HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler - Interface in
HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler is a mechanism for obtaining a caller's credentials in some way, using the HTTP protocol where necessary, by consulting a set of one or more HttpAuthenticationMechanisms.
HttpAuthenticationMechanismWrapper - Class in
This class is an implementation of the HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide extra or different functionality.
HttpAuthenticationMechanismWrapper() - Constructor for class
This constructor is intended for proxy usuage only.
HttpAuthenticationMechanismWrapper(HttpAuthenticationMechanism) - Constructor for class
Constructs the wrapper with the object being delegated to.
HTTPBinding - Interface in
The HTTPBinding interface is an abstraction for the XML/HTTP binding.
HttpConstraint - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
This annotation is used within the ServletSecurity annotation to represent the security constraints to be applied to all HTTP protocol methods for which a corresponding HttpMethodConstraint element does NOT occur within the ServletSecurity annotation.
HttpConstraintElement - Class in jakarta.servlet
Java Class representation of an HttpConstraint annotation value.
HttpConstraintElement() - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.HttpConstraintElement
Constructs a default HTTP constraint element
HttpConstraintElement(ServletSecurity.EmptyRoleSemantic) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.HttpConstraintElement
Convenience constructor to establish EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY
HttpConstraintElement(ServletSecurity.EmptyRoleSemantic, ServletSecurity.TransportGuarantee, String...) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.HttpConstraintElement
Constructor to establish all of getEmptyRoleSemantic, getRolesAllowed, and getTransportGuarantee.
HttpConstraintElement(ServletSecurity.TransportGuarantee, String...) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.HttpConstraintElement
Constructor to establish non-empty getRolesAllowed and/or TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL.
HttpContext - Class in
HttpContext represents a mapping between the root URI path of a web service to a HttpHandler which is invoked to handle requests destined for that path on the associated container.
HttpContext() - Constructor for class
HTTPException - Exception Class in
The HTTPException exception represents a XML/HTTP fault.
HTTPException(int) - Constructor for exception class
Constructor for the HTTPException
HttpExchange - Class in
This class encapsulates a HTTP request received and a response to be generated in one exchange.
HttpExchange() - Constructor for class
HttpFilter - Class in jakarta.servlet.http
Provides an abstract class to be subclassed to create an HTTP filter suitable for a Web site.
HttpFilter() - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpFilter
Does nothing, because this is an abstract class.
HttpHandler - Class in
A handler which is invoked to process HTTP requests.
HttpHandler() - Constructor for class
HttpHeaders - Interface in
An injectable interface that provides access to HTTP header information.
HttpJspPage - Interface in jakarta.servlet.jsp
The HttpJspPage interface describes the interaction that a JSP Page Implementation Class must satisfy when using the HTTP protocol.
HttpMessageContext - Interface in
HttpMessageContext contains all of the per-request state information and encapsulates the client request, server response, container handler for authentication callbacks, and the subject representing the caller.
HttpMessageContextWrapper - Class in
This class is an implementation of the HttpMessageContext interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide extra or different functionality.
HttpMessageContextWrapper(HttpMessageContext) - Constructor for class
HttpMethod - Annotation Interface in
Associates the name of a HTTP method with an annotation.
HttpMethodConstraint - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
This annotation is used within the ServletSecurity annotation to represent security constraints on specific HTTP protocol messages.
HttpMethodConstraintElement - Class in jakarta.servlet
Java Class representation of an HttpMethodConstraint annotation value.
HttpMethodConstraintElement(String) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.HttpMethodConstraintElement
Constructs an instance with default HttpConstraintElement value.
HttpMethodConstraintElement(String, HttpConstraintElement) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.HttpMethodConstraintElement
Constructs an instance with specified HttpConstraintElement value.
httpMethodConstraints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity
Get the HTTP method specific constraints.
HttpMethodRestrictionsPhaseListener - Class in com.sun.faces.lifecycle
HttpMethodRestrictionsPhaseListener() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.HttpMethodRestrictionsPhaseListener
httpOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Whether the cookie will only be visible as part of an HTTP request.
HttpServlet - Class in jakarta.servlet.http
Provides an abstract class to be subclassed to create an HTTP servlet suitable for a Web site.
HttpServlet() - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Does nothing, because this is an abstract class.
HttpServletMapping - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Allows runtime discovery of the manner in which the HttpServlet for the current HttpServletRequest was invoked.
HttpServletRequest - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Extends the ServletRequest interface to provide request information for HTTP servlets.
HttpServletRequestWrapper - Class in jakarta.servlet.http
Provides a convenient implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request to a Servlet.
HttpServletRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper
Constructs a request object wrapping the given request.
HttpServletResponse - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Extends the ServletResponse interface to provide HTTP-specific functionality in sending a response.
HttpServletResponseWrapper - Class in jakarta.servlet.http
Provides a convenient implementation of the HttpServletResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response from a Servlet.
HttpServletResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper
Constructs a response adaptor wrapping the given response.
HttpSession - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Provides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a Web site and to store information about that user.
HttpSession.Accessor - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
An accessor for applications to interact with a HttpSession outside of the scope of an HTTP request.
HttpSessionActivationListener - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Objects that are bound to a session may listen to container events notifying them that sessions will be passivated and that session will be activated.
HttpSessionAttributeListener - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Interface for receiving notification events about HttpSession attribute changes.
HttpSessionBindingEvent - Class in jakarta.servlet.http
Events of this type are either sent to an object that implements HttpSessionBindingListener when it is bound or unbound from a session, or to an HttpSessionAttributeListener that has been configured in the deployment descriptor when any attribute is bound, unbound or replaced in a session.
HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession, String) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent
Constructs an event that notifies an object that it has been bound to or unbound from a session.
HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession, String, Object) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent
Constructs an event that notifies an object that it has been bound to or unbound from a session.
HttpSessionBindingListener - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Causes an object to be notified when it is bound to or unbound from a session.
HttpSessionEvent - Class in jakarta.servlet.http
This is the class representing event notifications for changes to sessions within a web application.
HttpSessionEvent(HttpSession) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent
Construct a session event from the given source.
HttpSessionIdListener - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Interface for receiving notification events about HttpSession id changes.
HttpSessionListener - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
Interface for receiving notification events about HttpSession lifecycle changes.
HttpUpgradeHandler - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
This interface encapsulates the upgrade protocol processing.
hungTaskThreshold() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
The amount of time in milliseconds that a task or action can execute before it is considered hung.
hungTaskThreshold() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
The amount of time in milliseconds that a task or action can execute before it is considered hung.
HYBRID_FLOW_TYPES - Static variable in interface
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