Class MessageFactory


public abstract class MessageFactory extends Object
A factory for creating SOAPMessage objects.

A SAAJ client can create a MessageFactory object using the method newInstance, as shown in the following lines of code.

       MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
       MessageFactory mf12 = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL);

All MessageFactory objects, regardless of how they are created, will produce SOAPMessage objects that have the following elements by default:

  • A SOAPPart object
  • A SOAPEnvelope object
  • A SOAPBody object
  • A SOAPHeader object
In some cases, specialized MessageFactory objects may be obtained that produce messages prepopulated with additional entries in the SOAPHeader object and the SOAPBody object. The content of a new SOAPMessage object depends on which of the two MessageFactory methods is used to create it.
  • createMessage()
    This is the method clients would normally use to create a request message.
  • createMessage(MimeHeaders, -- message has content from the InputStream object and headers from the MimeHeaders object
    This method can be used internally by a service implementation to create a message that is a response to a request.