Interface PolicyConfiguration

public interface PolicyConfiguration
The methods of this interface are used by containers to create policy statements in a Policy provider. An object that implements the PolicyConfiguration interface provides the policy statement configuration interface for a corresponding policy context within the corresponding Policy provider.

The life cycle of a policy context is defined by three states; "open", "inService", and "deleted". A policy context is in one of these three states.

A policy context in the "open" state is in the process of being configured, and may be operated on by any of the methods of the PolicyConfiguration interface. A policy context in the "open" state must not be assimilated at Policy.refresh into the policy statements used by the Policy provider in performing its access decisions. In order for the policy statements of a policy context to be assimilated by the associated provider, the policy context must be in the "inService" state. A policy context in the "open" state is transitioned to the "inService" state by calling the commit method.

A policy context in the "inService" state is available for assimilation into the policy statements being used to perform access decisions by the associated Policy provider. Providers assimilate policy contexts containing policy statements when the refresh method of the provider is called. When a provider's refresh method is called, it must assimilate only those policy contexts whose state is "inService" and it must ensure that the policy statements put into service for each policy context are only those defined in the context at the time of the call to refresh. A policy context in the "inService" state is not available for additional configuration and may be returned to the "open" state by calling the getPolicyConfiguration method of the PolicyConfigurationFactory.

A policy context in the "deleted" state is neither available for configuration, nor is it available for assimilation into the Provider. A policy context whose state is "deleted" may be reclaimed for subsequent processing by calling the getPolicyConfiguration method of the associated PolicyConfigurationFactory. A "deleted" policy context is transitioned to the "open" state when it it returned as a result of a call to getPolicyConfiguration.

The following table captures the correspondence between the policy context life cycle and the methods of the PolicyConfiguration interface. The rightmost 3 columns of the table correspond to the PolicyConfiguration state identified at the head of the column. The values in the cells of these columns indicate the next state resulting from a call to the method identified in the leftmost column of the corresponding row, or that calling the method is unsupported in the state represented by the column (in which case the state will remain unchanged).

PolicyConfiguration State Table
Method Current State to Next State
deleted open inService
addToExcludedPolicy Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation
addToRole Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation
addToUncheckedPolicy Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation
commit Unsupported Operation inService inService
delete deleted deleted deleted
getContextID deleted open inService
inService deleted open inService
linkConfiguration Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation
removeExcludedPolicy Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation
removeRole Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation
removeUncheckedPolicy Unsupported Operation open Unsupported Operation

For a provider implementation to be compatible with multi-threaded environments, it may be necessary to synchronize the refresh method of the provider with the methods of its PolicyConfiguration interface and with the getPolicyConfiguration and inService methods of its PolicyConfigurationFactory.

See Also: