Package jakarta.jms

Interface JMSContext

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public interface JMSContext extends AutoCloseable
A JMSContext is the main interface in the simplified Jakarta Messaging API introduced for Jakarta Messaging 2.0. This combines in a single object the functionality of two separate objects from the Java Message Service 1.1 API: a Connection and a Session.

When an application needs to send messages it use the createProducer method to create a JMSProducer which provides methods to configure and send messages. Messages may be sent either synchronously or asynchronously.

When an application needs to receive messages it uses one of several createConsumer or createDurableConsumer methods to create a JMSConsumer . A JMSConsumer provides methods to receive messages either synchronously or asynchronously.

In terms of the Java Message Service 1.1 API a JMSContext should be thought of as representing both a Connection and a Session. Although the simplified API removes the need for applications to use those objects, the concepts of connection and session remain important. A connection represents a physical link to the Jakarta Messaging server and a session represents a single-threaded context for sending and receiving messages.

A JMSContext may be created by calling one of several createContext methods on a ConnectionFactory. A JMSContext that is created in this way is described as being application-managed. An application-managed JMSContext must be closed when no longer needed by calling its close method.

Applications running in the Jakarta EE web and EJB containers may alternatively inject a JMSContext into their application using the @Inject annotation. A JMSContext that is created in this way is described as being container-managed. A container-managed JMSContext will be closed automatically by the container.

Applications running in the Jakarta EE web and EJB containers are not permitted to create more than one active session on a connection so combining them in a single object takes advantage of this restriction to offer a simpler API.

However applications running in a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container are permitted to create multiple active sessions on the same connection. This allows the same physical connection to be used in multiple threads simultaneously. Such applications which require multiple sessions to be created on the same connection should use one of the createContext methods on the ConnectionFactory to create the first JMSContext and then use the createContext method on JMSContext to create additional JMSContext objects that use the same connection. All these JMSContext objects are application-managed and must be closed when no longer needed by calling their close method.

JMS 2.0
Jakarta Messaging 2.0