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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


warn(String) - Method in interface
Add a generic warning that is not related to any particular element, or that information is not known.
warn(String, BeanInfo) - Method in interface
Add a warning which is related to given BeanInfo.
warn(String, ObserverInfo) - Method in interface
Add a warning which is related to given ObserverInfo.
warn(String, AnnotationTarget) - Method in interface
Add a warning which is related to given AnnotationTarget (which is most likely a DeclarationInfo).
WebApplicationException - Exception Class in
Runtime exception for applications.
WebApplicationException() - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with a default HTTP status code of 500 and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance using the supplied response and a default message generated from the response's HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied HTTP status and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message and a default HTTP status code of 500.
WebApplicationException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with a supplied message and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance using the supplied message and response.
WebApplicationException(String, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message and HTTP status.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and default HTTP status code of 500.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and response.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with a the supplied message, root cause and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, default HTTP status code of 500 and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, response and a default message generated from the response's HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebTarget - Interface in
A resource target identified by the resource URI.
WILDCARD - Static variable in class
A String constant representing wildcard "*/*" media type .
WILDCARD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.Type.Kind
A wildcard type, e.g.
WILDCARD_TYPE - Static variable in class
A MediaType constant representing wildcard "*/*" media type.
WildcardType - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types
A wildcard type.
wildcardUnbounded() - Method in interface
Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ?.
wildcardWithLowerBound(Type) - Method in interface
Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ? super lowerBound.
wildcardWithUpperBound(Type) - Method in interface
Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ? extends upperBound.
withAdapters(JsonbAdapter...) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom mapping adapters.
withAnnotations() - Element in annotation interface
Narrows down the set of expected types, defined by types and withSubtypes, to types that use any of given annotations.
WithAnnotations - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
WithAnnotations may be applied to any portable extension observer method with an event parameter type of ProcessAnnotatedType to filter the events delivered.
withArgumentLookup(int) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.invoke.InvokerBuilder
Enables lookup of the argument on given position.
withBinaryDataStrategy(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom binary data strategy.
withCharset(String) - Method in class
Create a new MediaType instance with the same type, subtype and parameters copied from the original instance and the supplied "charset" parameter.
withConfig(JsonbConfig) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.JsonbBuilder
Set configuration which will be set to the newly created Jsonb instance.
withConfig(Configuration) - Method in class
Set the internal configuration state to an externally provided configuration state.
withCreatorParametersRequired(boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether all creator parameters should be treated as required.
withDateFormat(String, Locale) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom date format.
withDeserializers(JsonbDeserializer...) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom deserializers.
withEncoding(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
The binding operations will default to this property for encoding of JSON data.
withFileName(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a new EntityPart.Builder instance that sets the part name and fileName to the passed in partAndFileName value.
withFormatting(Boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether or not the serialized JSON data is formatted with linefeeds and indentation.
withInstanceLookup() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.invoke.InvokerBuilder
Enables lookup of the target bean instance.
withLocale(Locale) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom locale.
withName(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a new EntityPart.Builder instance.
withNullValues(Boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether null values should be serialized to JSON document or skipped.
withParam(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double) - Method in interface
Adds a double-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double) - Method in interface
Adds a double-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double[]) - Method in interface
Adds a double array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double[]) - Method in interface
Adds a double array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int) - Method in interface
Adds an int-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int) - Method in interface
Adds an int-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int[]) - Method in interface
Adds an int array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int[]) - Method in interface
Adds an int array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long) - Method in interface
Adds a long-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long) - Method in interface
Adds a long-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long[]) - Method in interface
Adds a long array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long[]) - Method in interface
Adds a long array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>) - Method in interface
Adds an enum-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>) - Method in interface
Adds an enum-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds an enum array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds an enum array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String) - Method in interface
Adds a String-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String) - Method in interface
Adds a String-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String[]) - Method in interface
Adds a String array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String[]) - Method in interface
Adds a String array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom naming strategy.
withPropertyNamingStrategy(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom naming strategy.
withPropertyOrderStrategy(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify property order strategy.
withPropertyVisibilityStrategy(PropertyVisibilityStrategy) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom property visibility strategy.
withProvider(JsonProvider) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.JsonbBuilder
Provides a JSON-P provider to be used for all JSON-P related operations.
withSerializers(JsonbSerializer...) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom serializers.
withStrictIJSON(Boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether strict I-JSON serialization compliance should be enforced.
withSubtypes() - Element in annotation interface
If true, the set of expected types includes all direct and indirect subtypes of given types.
wrapExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use ELAwareBeanManager, this method will be removed in CDI 5.0
write(boolean) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON true or false value within the current array, field or root context.
write(double) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(int) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(long) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(JsonStructure) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JSON object or array to the output source.
write(JsonValue) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JsonValue to the output source.
write(JsonValue) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON value within the current array, field or root context.
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface
Called to write the message body.
write(String) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON string value within the current array, field or root context.
write(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/boolean value pair in the current object context.
write(String, double) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, int) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, long) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, JsonValue) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/value pair in the current object context.
write(String, String) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/string value pair in the current object context.
write(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, BigInteger) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(BigInteger) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
writeArray(JsonArray) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JSON array to the output source.
writeEnd() - Method in interface
Writes the end of the current context.
writeKey(String) - Method in interface
Writes the JSON name with a colon.
writeNull() - Method in interface
Writes a JSON null value within the current array, field or root context.
writeNull(String) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/null value pair in an current object context.
writeObject(JsonObject) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JSON object to the output source.
WriterInterceptor - Interface in
WriterInterceptorContext - Interface in
writeStartArray() - Method in interface
Writes the JSON start array character.
writeStartArray(String) - Method in interface
Writes the JSON name/start array character pair with in the current object context.
writeStartObject() - Method in interface
Writes the JSON start object character.
writeStartObject(String) - Method in interface
Writes the JSON name/start object character pair in the current object context.
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Write a type to an HTTP message.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form