Interface ContainerResponseFilter

public interface ContainerResponseFilter
An extension interface implemented by container response filters.

By default, i.e. if no name binding is applied to the filter implementation class, the filter instance is applied globally to any outgoing response. If there is a @NameBinding annotation applied to the filter, the filter will only be executed for a response for which the request has been matched to a resource or sub-resource method AND the method or the whole custom JAX-RS Application class is bound to the same name-binding annotation.

Implement a name-bound response filter in cases when you want limit the filter functionality to a matched resource or resource method. In other cases, when the filter should be applied globally to any outgoing response, implement an unbound, global response filter.

Filters implementing this interface must be annotated with @Provider to be discovered by the JAX-RS runtime. Container response filter instances may also be discovered and bound dynamically to particular resource methods.

See Also: