Package jakarta.jms

Interface MessageProducer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
QueueSender, TopicPublisher

public interface MessageProducer extends AutoCloseable
A client uses a MessageProducer object to send messages to a destination. A MessageProducer object is created by passing a Destination object to a message-producer creation method supplied by a session.

MessageProducer is the parent interface for all message producers.

A client also has the option of creating a message producer without supplying a destination. In this case, a destination must be provided with every send operation. A typical use for this kind of message producer is to send replies to requests using the request's JMSReplyTo destination.

A client can specify a default delivery mode, priority, time to live and delivery delay for messages sent by a message producer. It can also specify the delivery mode, priority, and time to live for an individual message.

A client can specify a time-to-live value in milliseconds for each message it sends. This value defines a message expiration time that is the sum of the message's time-to-live and the GMT when it is sent (for transacted sends, this is the time the client sends the message, not the time the transaction is committed).

A Jakarta Messaging provider should do its best to expire messages accurately; however, the Jakarta Messaging API does not define the accuracy provided.

JMS 1.0
Jakarta Messaging 2.0
See Also: