Package jakarta.jms

Interface MessageConsumer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
QueueReceiver, TopicSubscriber

public interface MessageConsumer extends AutoCloseable
A client uses a MessageConsumer object to receive messages from a destination. A MessageConsumer object is created by passing a Destination object to a message-consumer creation method supplied by a session.

MessageConsumer is the parent interface for all message consumers.

A MessageConsumer can be created with a message selector. A message selector allows the client to restrict the messages delivered to the message consumer to those that match the selector.

A client may either synchronously receive a MessageConsumer's messages or have the MessageConsumer asynchronously deliver them as they arrive.

For synchronous receipt, a client can request the next message from a MessageConsumer using one of its receive methods. There are several variations of receive that allow a client to poll or wait for the next message.

For asynchronous delivery, a client can register a MessageListener object with a MessageConsumer. As messages arrive at the MessageConsumer, it delivers them by calling the MessageListener's onMessage method.

It is a client programming error for a MessageListener to throw an exception.

JMS 1.0
Jakarta Messaging 2.0
See Also: