Package jakarta.jms

Annotation Interface JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Repeatable(JMSConnectionFactoryDefinitions.class) public @interface JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition
An application may use this annotation to specify a Jakarta Messaging ConnectionFactory resource that it requires in its operational environment. This provides information that can be used at the application's deployment to provision the required resource and allows an application to be deployed into a Jakarta EE environment with more minimal administrative configuration.

The ConnectionFactory resource may be configured by setting the annotation elements for commonly used properties. Additional properties may be specified using the properties element. Once defined, a ConnectionFactory resource may be referenced by a component in the same way as any other ConnectionFactory resource, for example by using the lookup element of the Resource annotation.

JMS 2.0
Jakarta Messaging 2.0
See Also: