Module jakarta.json
Package jakarta.json

Interface JsonMergePatch

public interface JsonMergePatch

This interface represents an implementation of a JSON Merge Patch as defined by RFC 7396.

A JsonMergePatch can be instantiated with Json.createMergePatch(JsonValue) by specifying the patch operations in a JSON Merge Patch or using Json.createMergeDiff(JsonValue, JsonValue) to create a JSON Merge Patch based on the difference between two JsonValues.

The following illustrates both approaches.

1. Construct a JsonMergePatch with an existing JSON Merge Patch.

   JsonValue contacts = ... ; // The target to be patched
   JsonValue patch = ...  ; // JSON Merge Patch
   JsonMergePatch mergePatch = Json.createMergePatch(patch);
   JsonValue result = mergePatch.apply(contacts);
2. Construct a JsonMergePatch from a difference between two JsonValues.

   JsonValue source = ... ; // The source object
   JsonValue target = ... ; // The modified object
   JsonMergePatch mergePatch = Json.createMergeDiff(source, target); // The diff between source and target in a Json Merge Patch format
See Also: